Tooth Fairy's All Natural Peppermint Polish

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Inglewood, CA, United States

Tuesday, May 1, 2012


I’m V. Solver Phoenix,

Last year I began an odyssey culminating in the invention of my new product -
Tooth Fairy's All Natural Peppermint Polish™

The catalyst for this journey was my daughter. One morning, I took special notice of the "sexily packaged" commercial toothpaste she was using and thought, "This looks good, but what exactly is in this stuff?"  I had seen the poison control warning label before but the juxtaposition of the warning along with my daughter's vigorous brushing was quite alarming.  There I was standing perusing an endless list of hard to pronounce chemical ingredients on the label of a common brand that we've been using for years and was flabbergasted at what I found:

Talk about a wake up call!  How in the world is it that these same chemicals in rat poison, anti-freeze, engine degreasers, and brake fluid end up in the same medicine cabinet that families utilize every day. Interestingly, enough exposure to these toxic chemicals are generally regarded as safe in “moderate levels.”  However, at what point does exposure day after day, hour after hour, minute to minute for 30, 40, or even 50 years cease to become “moderate?”

I vowed to create a better solution for my daughter and for all daughters and families around the world.…242 experimental formulas and 1 patent application later, I arrived at - what I believe to be - the very best all natural peppermint tooth oil available on the market.  

I am proud to present to you and your family Tooth Fairy's All Natural Peppermint Polish™ tooth oil which is a specially formulated blend of organic peppermint , spearmint, almond oils, hydrogen peroxide, CoQ10, and minerals designed to kill the germs that cause gum disease, tooth decay, and bad breath while regenerating gums and whitening teeth.  In addition to replacing conventional tooth paste, Peppermint Polish also can be used to replace mouth wash and breath fresher’s while creating a sensation of "deep clean" you can feel throughout the day.  Not only do we believe Peppermint Polish is the best tooth oil on the market but others wonderfully agree!