By ~* Nature's Goodness *~
What is
Teeth Whitening?

Whitening Methods
There are
several methods that an individual can use to whiten their teeth at-home and in
a doctors office. Let's explore both options:
- An individual can make a paste with water and baking soda and gently brush their teeth leaving the solution on for a few minutes before rinsing with warm water. Repeat until desired results are achieved.
- Mix a 50/50 solution of hydrogen peroxide and water and swish around the teeth for a minute or so then spit out the solution. Let your teeth stand for another minute before finally rinsing with warm water.
- Application of over-the-counter whitening strips.
- The dentist will apply to the teeth a carefully prepared high-concentration of peroxide gel after the gums have been protected with a paint-on rubber dam. The peroxide will remain on the teeth for about an hour divided into 15 -20 minute intervals. Additional sessions may be required for stubborn teeth stains.
What are
the Risks and Dangers?
As we've
discussed thus far there are various reasons why individuals whitening their
teeth as well as the various methods they use to achieve this goal. With that
said we will now examine the risks and dangers of such a procedure. Let's take
a look:
Benefits of
Teeth Whitening
- Improved appearance associated with a better lifestyle.
- A brighter smile tends to give a youthful appearance.
- Gives those you are speaking to a friendlier appearance of you.
Dangers of
Teeth Whitening
- Development of sore gums or teeth from the bleach
- Discomfort wearing the mouth tray during the bleaching process
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your teeth with nature's goodness!
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