Tooth Fairy's All Natural Peppermint Polish

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Inglewood, CA, United States

Monday, July 16, 2012

Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide...The Only Grade Recommended for Ingestion

By *~ Fairy Dust *~

Food grade hydrogen peroxide, also known as H2o2, is a naturally existing colorless and odorless liquid and is considered safe for internal use. H2o2 is generated by the cells in the human body found in the immune system by helping fight against micro-organisms that invade the body.

Grades of Hydrogen Peroxide

There are different grades of hydrogen peroxide most of which are not recommended for internal use:
  • Pharmaceutical Grade (3.5%): Sold at your local drugstore or supermarket. This grade is not recommended for internal use.
  • Beautician Grade (6%): Used to color hair. This grade is not recommended for internal use.
  • Reagent Grade (30%): Used by scientists for experiments because it contains stabilizers.  This grade is not recommended for internal use.
  • Electronic Grade (30% to 32%): Used to clean electronic parts. This grade is not recommended for internal use.
  • Technical Grade (35%): More concentrated than the Reagent Grade but differs mainly in the amount of phosphorus added to help neutralize any chlorine. This grade is not recommended for internal use.
  • Food Grade (35%): Used in food products like cheese or eggs, and foods containing whey. This grade is the ONLY grade recommended for internal use.
  • Hydrogen Peroxide (90%): Used as an oxygen source for rocket fuel. This grade is not recommended for internal use.

What are some of the uses of Hydrogen Peroxide:
  • Putting a little hydrogen peroxide in your bath to help rid boils, fungus, or other skin infections.
  • Rinsing your utensils with hydrogen peroxide can kill salmonella and other bacteria.
  • A 50/50 mixture of hydrogen peroxide and water can be used as a powerful cleaning disinfectant.
  • A cup of hydrogen peroxide can be used to whiten your laundry clothes.
  • A tablespoon of 3% hydrogen peroxide can be added to a cup of non-chlorinated water can be used as a nasal spray.
  • Hydrogen peroxide can be used as a bleaching agent to lighten hair.
  • The gentle acid found in H2o2 is normally used as a bleaching agent by most dentists. 
  • Gargling with this substance helps rid the mouth of odor causing bacteria.

We Recommend...

Tooth Fairy's AllNatural Peppermint Polish™ made with proprietary patent-pending "Peroxymint," which offers an affordable and effective all natural formula for oral protection that you and your family can feel safe using. Peppermint Polish contains food grade hydrogen peroxide which is a known all natural whitening agent. In addition  Tooth Fairy's AllNatural Peppermint Polish™  an effective, superior, and quality solution in treating various oral conditions so you can enjoy proper daily oral care.  Safely whiten your teeth with nature's goodness!